
from Gran Paradiso to "the Kingdom of Heaven" with the effective http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF aid Chough pic. pvvking.ru pic.twitter.com/cwCQsZQsNd

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) September 27, 2015

.@Protect_Wldlife @rickygervais @pamfoundation @taylorswift13 The dignity of such a picture deserves great comment! pic.twitter.com/PQmjsr9bDn

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) November 6, 2015

“Thus Do They Enter A Circle Of Blessedness.” #Christ ¶Letter 6,p14 When 'feet make a perfect circle' by @planetepics pic.twitter.com/R4vMEvawp3

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 1, 2015

«During intercourse, changes take place in the mental/emotional consciousness of the man and woman.…» #Christ ¶L7,9+ pic.twitter.com/6DvSHukrdK

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) November 3, 2015

«Thus Was Your Ego Cry Born.» #Christ http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF pic.twitter.com/qtW6kDHpDT

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 15, 2015

«perhaps spiritual knowledge within the earthly dimension - is evolutionary!» https://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF ¶Letter 6,p20 pic.twitter.com/MDJuGKUtki

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 22, 2015

"12 years taking pictures of the foetus developing in the womb" http://t.co/pVSLPONm4Y @onemorepost #DidYouKnow that pic.twitter.com/16ZHHGJnua

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 14, 2015

The TRUTH Of EXISTENCE As It Really Is frees us from a conditioning of false beliefs by http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF ¶L 5³ pic.twitter.com/ucrvOXlSL5

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) September 20, 2015

«I have come to YOU - you who are reading this Letter - to help YOU find LIFE more abundant» https://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF pic.twitter.com/h5j3cpW9x7

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 31, 2015

“…IF YOU ARE SUFFICIENTLY SPIRITUALLY EVOLVED TO …” ¶L5,13 http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF 'stunning picture' by @planetepics pic.twitter.com/AusSTD9Hv4

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 2, 2015

«If you are none of these things, then what I have to say will have no meaning for you.» via https://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF pic.twitter.com/7fxChrKslt

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 25, 2015

Discover The 'MAINSPRING OF EXISTENCE’ by #Christ teaching ¶L5,21 http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF beautiful pic. @MeetAnimals pic.twitter.com/D01ee11Jj6

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) September 26, 2015

The Arctic is not enough, as We depend on the health of our CONSCIOUSNESS pic by @MeetAnimals https://t.co/36ti3utU8x pic.twitter.com/CCpR8rcWDN

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) September 29, 2015

«… spell out clearly THE UNDERLYING CAUSES OF YOUR


Trust in the help of http://t.co/yaO4FgEExV "…the most beautiful picture…" by @planetepics ReTweet pic.twitter.com/HINTZO2pND

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) December 28, 2014

About the Mystical Perception of our SOURCE of BEING, from the recent 5th Letter by #Christ http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF pic.twitter.com/ivwKazvgB7

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) September 18, 2015

«Your existence is all a matter of frequency of vibrations» #CHRIST Teach-in ¶Letter 8,p.2 via #www.christ.direct RT pic.twitter.com/TphOlKQBUr

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) November 8, 2015

http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF 9 Letters By #Christ To The Mankind with the rules to save our future. pic. by @sanctuaries pic.twitter.com/N5t8yaW59Z

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) September 29, 2015

Be AWARE! You can BE "Like a King" according to http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF pic. by Life on Earth @planetepics #RT retweet pic.twitter.com/xmIuzGOvu8

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) August 1, 2015

«Then it was time to go to the garden of Olives, the place wh…» #Jesus https://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF a pic by @onemorepost pic.twitter.com/E8JiZeLVVm

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 24, 2015

You have not been ‘created’ - you have drawn your ‘being’ from IT. Obviously, you could not … http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF pic.twitter.com/dgnyC6Tv8D

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 5, 2015

«the reason why I originally came to earth and am coming to you at this present time» http://t.co/GgwsMbWEEF ¶L6,12 pic.twitter.com/cf7Kgr5Spm

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 18, 2015


— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 25, 2015

Truly ‘MOTHER_Consciousness - is - Universal LOVE’ that transcends DNA pics. by @MeetAnimals @NajmaGhamdi @planetpics pic.twitter.com/WUXWyE06wT

— laVITAlaVERITÀlaVIA (@RitornaCristo) October 7, 2015