The above is the latest optimized version of the page text in­i­tial­ly illustrated in a tweet since Feb­. 2015.
At the time it was a graphic transcription of mine (to the right) ex­tracted from page 22, the last one of the LET­TER 4, as it was in the first layout done by the 'Recorder' under direct dictation of the ENTITY.

About a year later I retweeted the same tweet, adding the complementary passage from page 13 (LETTER 1, already in the first re­-edition, although intermediate since it lacks paragraph numbering), the passage visible here:
These LETTERS ARE TRUTH. They tran­scend all religious doc­trines in the world. These LETTERS will LIBERATE you
I posted the retweet under the powerful headline:
So I pinned this new tweet for years at the top of this Web page, in the format I now reproduce in screenshot, since the last check – on Dec. 11, 2024 – revealed to me, alas, that the image and text were no longer there, and who knows for how long.
The missing image icon that you see under the title in light gray, re­placed the a­fore­men­tioned tweet. Prob­a­bly one of the var­i­ous losses of the X sys­tem (not the only one, as ver­i­fied through the Archive code, where this add­ed pas­sage no long­er exists).
Insisting on verification attempts, in a couple of days I saw a new image appear in its place, taken from another tweet and arbitrarily replaced by the staff, deleting part of the original text that can be read here (without asking me for approval).
So I can only apologize for what happened, relocate the due mes­sage in the right place with a pre-established image, no longer be­ing able to count on the fate of the tweets, of which I keep active the links that can be accessed according to the methods es­tab­lished by X. Which if they then become too restrictive, you can still enjoy the @RitornaCristo Archive reproduced in full at\myTweets.
If then some deprecated commercial choice of should prevent free access online, for which I worked 8 years, you can if you like it e­nough, download the entire package to browse freely on your com­pu­ter, even offline. You will not see most of the images in full, or mul­ti­ple images, but you will have them all present in the ap­pro­pri­ate folders, which you will easily find on the disk. Be careful though, it is a zip file of 107Mb. Years of thoughtful work, some­times in­spired, some­times suffered like every creative action, but dedicated to eve­ry­one; which rules out any speculative use by anyone; a work that was given without asking for anything
It is superfluous to add the obligation to respect copyright, and the citation of the source of any reproduction of even the smallest part of the material. The Source to be considered and respected for­ev­er is


This is the true outcome of the long­-awaited return of Christ to mankind: it does not con­cern the current religion and the Church, but speaks once again so “to rectify the mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions placed on the teachings given when known as JESUS in Palestine, 20 years ago.”

“It is impossible for my spiritual consciousness to take on human form;
to enable me to speak to you directly, I have de-pro­gram­med and prepared a re­cep­tive, obedient mind to receive my Truth and frame it in words. She is my ‘recorder’ ”

Please, view the Letters index for details.
Whether this is true or not, YOU should/can only realize by the contents. Won't you? ponder this at least:

flag/USEng_Actual redrafting of the Original Version (renewed PDF layout, with an improved readability) is issued.
The PDF brochure contains the introduction and a preface of the "Recorder"  to the late 9 LETTERS, which were dictated by the True CHRIST Entity via Interdimensional.

The new, accurately revised page rendering is quite sophisticated - as the layout of the text is edited with a view to facilitate both the understanding and the due meditation. Therefore it consists of 333 official pages plus a beautiful rear cover, with encoding dimension of 30.868.798 bytes.

download PDF[zip]

open/download PDF

zip 37Mb / pdf 49Mb


To directly preview the book, browse the Yumpu flipbook publication bottom of this page.

(printed books in early version are sold, but not at this site) - Revised releases & updates:
05/2016 -v. 3.05EN| 09/2016 -v. 3.06EN| 1st New Extended layout
12/2017 -v. 3.10EN ~ Paragraphs numeration
04/2018 -v. 3.11EN ~ Fixed some numeration errors
05/2018 -v. 3.11ENa/PDF dsc. Fixed inside chapters link errors
09/2018 -v. 3.11ENb/PDF dsc. Fixed links inside PDF pages
01/2019 -v. 3.12EN~ Editorial features and Covers renewed
Enhanced on this site all Twitter-links to any page, by choice
of type & language
(when available in the extended format)

None past or future release can alter the original text con­tent or punctuation, and/or ignore the intentional en­hance­ments; and translations should make every effort for the most profound interpretation of the statements of our Celestial MASTER.

As explained in the Help section, as the current new re­lease en­riched the text with a paragraphs' nesting e­nu­mer­a­tion ac­cord­ing to the Christ's will, it was achieved and fixed to a plain but with special attention to Semantic HTML basic template, in order to ease the online reading and context search, escaping the risk of partial cites, and share the 9 LETTERS ex­change­a­ble to any port­a­ble format and [renewed] translation, actual or future. This is the task to which I have been committed, though it's far from being complete…

The PDF conversion step, from the single pages to a whole eBook, required much greater size (30Mb) than the former ed­it­ing (11-18Mb); therefore a single complete edition, with the front and rear graphic covers has overridden any pre­vi­ous option to lighten the downloads; evenly much more heavy was the portable 3Dbook (1Mb). Why a 3D book?
Well, with the evolution of the internal search service (see below) a new option was added, both for browsing and down­load: a pleasant 3D flipping book, able to drive your feeling through the meaningful pages of the true, unheralded history.

All versions, framed into their 'Golden Ratio' pages, should be readable on line by any device in the Web format HTML, in PDF single pages or flipBook, can also be downloaded to be saved on your device and read off line. All are downloadable only as compressed zip files.
Letters However, now all devices can for a direct view in browser on line both the HTML plain version and the so called flipping 3D book: this funny effect option holds the advantage of an inner immediate listed search function.

  Happy Reading!
N.B. (to be taken as historical notes)  
Due to the very complex build up and re­build of var­i­ous lay­outs and re­lat­ed var­y­ing ed­it­ing rules, the o­rig­i­nal text with the new pag­i­nation - de­rived from a first I­tal­ian PDF ad­vanced re­make - is now in­ev­i­ta­bly o­ri­en­ted to more and more ris­ing pub­li­ca­tions tools and read­ers.
Con­se­quent­ly, just say­ing in­ev­i­ta­bly de­spite the up­most care de­vot­ed to each step, up to the u­ni­ver­sal HTML5 o­pensource re­vi­sion tire­less­ly in pro­gress - pro­vid­ing a se­man­tic care for the fu­ture text a­nal­y­sis - the so many pag­es treat­ed by fonts and styles, then dis­tilled and con­vert­ed to bit­map, re­veal mi­nor mis­takes en­tan­gled like fish­es in al­ter­nate nets…
So, please, be pa­tient if you find any ac­tu­al re­lease be­ing not per­fect! of course, I could not up­date all files at eve­ry new mis­print fixed,
Now it should be ready and def­i­nite but - not least the dif­fi­cul­ty to syn­chro­nize mul­ti­ple op­er­at­ing en­vi­ronments - any pos­si­ble mis­take could still pop up… to be ad­just­ed.
Fu­ture re­leases will fil­ter eve­ry pos­si­ble ed­it­ing de­fect, thence you can down­load with ease eve­ry kind of pub­li­ca­tion you pre­fer.

Tru­ly, the Christ's Word will re­main the same, un­change­a­ble in time. Not­with­stand­ing the dig­i­tal flex­i­bil­i­ty, eve­ry dig­i­tized ver­sion is al­ready com­pa­ra­ble to oth­ers, more or less strict, from the o­rig­i­nal PDF re­lease (the 1st en­ti­tled: “Mic­ros­oft Word - let­ter”) to the new one (from HTML5), to the ex­ec­u­tive flipBook with its own HTML and thumb­nails. Eve­ry HTML page num­ber at the foot­er, links to its own bit­map im­age to be checked. All these four dif­fer­ent for­mats must match, in or­der to guar­an­tee in­teg­ri­ty and no pos­si­ble coun­ter­feiting.
The o­rig­i­nal text is safe and will nev­er be changed (the Re­cord­er's PDF LET­TERS with their date are made di­rect­ly ac­ces­si­ble by page re­ference).
Here are their CRC calculations, i.e. cyclic redundancy check of the Introduction.pdf and every Letter#.pdf, as published via on May 12, 2011.

Everybody should acknowledge that this protection is an absolute reason for which to apply a ‘Copyright’ to the Christ's LETTERS. There can not be others in the name of Christ's dictation, intended to spread worldwide its highest message without any restriction or exclusivity or profit, that would be a nonsense. Nonetheless, every part or quotations from these documents must be clearly presented with ref­er­ence to their Source.
Thanks for your understanding.  
Our Internal Search Engine
Ultimately, one Google Custom Search En­gine was im­ple­mented for the christ­.di­rect website and par­tic­u­lar­ly for the 9 L ET­TERS , to pro­vide a ready customized seeking of any words or ex­pres­sions, up to the teach­ing by Christ in his dictation; but, 'cause of special editing and advanced lay­out solutions adopted (say some bugs into the var­i­ous pack­ages), not all the pages could be analyzed cor­rect­ly by the crawlers, resulting in holes and faults to be fixed.
For this reason, all text had to be rebuilt to be separately ap­proached by the “Blossom” search – a very fine tool and service – able to redirect any results to the match­ing PDF [or Flash™ pages, on choice]. Some months lat­er, the sin­gle web (HTML) pag­es were fin­ished, di­rect­ly ac­ces­si­ble by any seek­er, and some dif­fer­ent search tools are be­ing ex­am­ined, since it does not seem at all a tech­nique tak­en for granted.
To ease targeting from the rich Twitter ex­cerpts and offer their full reading, every single page was evenly ex­tracted to sep­a­rate­ly ac­ces­s it, with its structured PDF layout; so by the search and the menu of each LETTER; then, last but not least, the same eventually applies to the faster Flash flip­ping option. Please, refer to the help section for details.
The process will be enriched over time, ex­pand­ing the que­ries by keyphrases and synonyms which are variants of a search term, to fa­cil­i­tate a tailored to gathered learning ex­pe­rience. Although the stand alone complete flip book is now endowed of an internal multi-keywords search function, the se­lected on line services will always be more suitable to a conceptual and de­tailed analysis.

If Flash Player is installed you can handle the 3D globe, magnify, revolve, zoom any area through the buttons and the move and wheel of mouse.



For a manual download the link [copy/paste] is:

Like to download the Flip book? (30MB
.exe file) copy/paste or click: It is also available one installable
MacOS version App (not yet directly tested)

[The Italian one was revised 1st on my startup, but not yet updated to the new paragraphs' formats]

Insofar, we recommend to get the free CHRIST's LETTERS in your language, if available:

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or check through the CHRIST'S HEADQUARTER site: for recently added translations.

Please, click here to preview the book

±/double click to zoom - wait for the image refresh

or here to browse directly
the domain of the final version