and lock it away in a safe place.
1.180.1 This work you have done for yourself is for yourself
– only for your benefit.
or to please God or to win approval from other people.
1.181.3 You have done this work to remove existing inner
blocks to your spiritual development and ultimate happiness.
I urge you to put your dated letter in a safe place.
1.182.1 Re-read it in a years time and rejoice in the great changes
1.182.2 which you will see have taken place in your mindset.
1.182.3 You will also see that there have been changes
in your circumstances.
focused entirely on your Creator
will bring you new strength and insight which, in turn,
will bring changes to your feelings and environment.
1.184 When praying – Never focus on your problems
– always – ask for the right remedy.
1.184.1 Let your Creator bring you the right solutions
which your human mind is incapable of thinking up.
1.185.1 Concentrate on the Power you are receiving
immediately into your condition
(although your consciousness may be too densely human to feel it)
and give thanks for your swift recovery and believe in it.
1.185.2 When you give thanks
you are accepting, acknowledging, believing,
impressing in your own consciousness the realization that your prayer
now lies within the Father_Love Consciousness
and is
at the right time.
before it was accomplished.
1.187 Never pray and then go out of your room and tell people
how ill you feel, or how terrible the personal or national situation is.
1.187.1 If you have asked the Father Creator to solve your problems,
finances or poor health, what an insult to the Father Creator
to continue to bring up past negative conditions?
1.187.2 You immediately undo
the work the Father Creator is engaged in.