CHRIST Returnsthe Reality of Men and Women
Letter 8 rosepage 297 People criticise you? Previously, the magnetic personality
would have made you feel angry because of your insecurity,
your driving need to appear perfect to everyone, in order to gain approval.
“If you do not have approval”, the ego argued, “how will you survive?
What will your life be like?”
8.121.5 When the voice of the ego has died away,
there is no need to seek security for you are SECURE!
You know that you are sustained, maintained, nourished, protected, healed
by DIVINE_LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS no matter what others may think of you.
8.121.6 Your joy, gladness, happiness, personal fulfilment and contentment
are all inside you. In fact, you no longer need otherness at all.
8.121.7 Except, you are a part of all otherness, and
when the Light fills you, you have a driving need
to render to others all that DIVINE_LIFE CONSCIOUSNESS is pouring into you
every moment of the day as you keep in constant touch
with this beautiful dimension within you.
8.121.8 No longer do you reject the personality of others,
everyone is acceptable to you,
everyone is in need of love and now you have plenty of that to give.
8.121.9 No longer is it a struggle to love unconditionally.
It comes spontaneously.
8.121.10 Whatever faults you may have left, whatever mistakes you make
in your attitudes to others, as a result of remnants of the ego left behind,
these are revealed to you but you do not shy away from self-knowledge
but rather embrace it with love and thanksgiving. You discover that recognition and acceptance
of the negative human reactions in yourself is both wholesome and healing. You happily accept and take responsibility for whatever mistakes you make and then when you have discerned the loving way, you let it go.
8.121.11 You will experience inner peace, knowing that you have learnt
something else valuable which will stand you in good stead when next
you are challenged by earthly experiences.
8.122 The time for deep remorse is over, since it has now done its work
of releasing you from magnetic emotional responses to life
which brought you suffering in the past.
8.122 You have now entered what I termed Kingdom of Heaven when I was
on earth. You will find that all your needs are supplied and you will KNOW
that any needs in the future will also be met almost spontaneously.
8.122.1 This knowledge keeps you in constant touch with DIVINE_LIFE
and gives you an immense sense of security.