which was deeply satisfying – both physically and emotionally.
into a state of equilibrium within sleep.
6.26 When you woke from your equilibrium, you felt a sense of insecurity
(the equilibrium now divided into mental and emotional awareness),
you remembered that mother and milk created a fulfilment
of needy insecurity, and so again, you cried.
Your needs were fulfilled.
6.26.1So did your ego-drive develop | |
it was not yet feeding time and you were left to cry for a while.
6.27.1 This built up an awareness that needs were not always
satisfied immediately and you would have to adapt.
6.27.2 You either chose anger and cried more vigorously
– or lapsed into acceptance.
6.28 Your choice of reaction depended on the characteristics
of ego-drive imprinted in your consciousness at birth.
to cry for what you want to make you happy
or reject what makes you sad,
you would be in a limbo of nothingness.
6.30 If you did not run when faced with danger
or did not call for help when in danger – you might die.
6.30.1 If you had not cried – demanded food – when you were born,
you might have starved.
6.31 If you had not welcomed mothers milk and nuzzled her warmly,
you might never have developed a close caring bond with her.
6.32 Without the EGO DRIVE there would be no creation,
no individuality, no fulfilment of need, no protection,
no warmth of response and no human love.
6.33 Without the EGO DRIVE there would be no self-defence,
no self-protection, no survival.