in your vast soulless cities, arises out
6.6.1 It is the source of every wicked, lying, perverted activity
presently in operation on your planet.
6.6.2 It controls the media, your TV, your families, nations.
6.6.3 It is productive of wars all over your globe.
6.6.4 It creates a foul miasma of low consciousness energies
perceivable by Higher Spiritual Entities – but too horrible to contemplate.
6.6.5 If your present consciousness is permeated with love of possessions
and an inability to share with others,
devising ways and means to become rich at the expense of others,
stealing, failing to perform your work conscientiously
or give good value for money, snapping, snarling,
indulging in criticism, sarcasm, judgementalism, rejection,
denigration, enmity, intolerance, hatred, jealousy,
aggression, violent impulses, thieving, falsehoods,
double and devious dealings, slander
– you are ego-driven.
6.6.6 Your ego is in control and you will find it difficult to move
through the miasma of ego-consciousness to be able to see Reality.
as your fathers consciousness rose, via his spine, ever higher
to the top of his head, and tension mounted towards its climax,
your fathers consciousness briefly
creating a flash point, a small explosion, which he experienced as orgasm,
and thereafter an injection of
was infused in his semen to give life to the mothers ovum. |
in a man at the time of orgasm, reenacts the time of the Big Bang,
when the UNITY of Father-Mother-Consciousness
exploded into separate energies
and the first electrical particles and random matter took form.