For eunuchs, the woman has no appeal. Why is this?
4.102.1 Because that which impels a man to lie with a woman is removed.
Therefore, in whom is the tempter?
4.102.2 In man himself – and can be physically removed from him –
or in the woman who remains herself despite all?
4.102.3 Man has been made expressly to plant the seed.
Therefore, to plant the seed he must – wherever he sees the opportunity.
4.102.4 Woman has been made to receive the seed.In past years, before the 20th century, women were sexually dormant
until seduced by men.
4.102.5 Where then the tempter? In men, the arousers and seducers
or in women, the seduced, and aroused?
and placing the responsibility for his downfall on woman.
4.102.7 Is this a sacred activity? Is it worthy? Should it continue?
and who believe you are sinless or of pure mind
because you have shrouded your women in heavy clothes
to protect yourselves from temptation
and prevent other men seeing your possessions.
4.102.9 How greatly are you misled by your own passions.
4.102.10 By being protected from the exercise of your human desires,
they only increase until they break out in some virulent, brutal form.
and yet remain untouched by desire, unmoved by earthly feelings,
untainted by earthly lusts, free of craving and longing for possession.
4.105 Purity is the ability to see temptation for what it is
– grossness of thought and feeling which traps the senses
of men and women into doing unclean things.
4.106 A truly pure person desires only the clean and honest environment
suited to their innate longing for spiritual love and
beauty of self expression in every facet of their lives. That is true Purity.